Cartoon Pictures of Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Claire Deschanel is an American actress, musician, and singer-songwriter. In 1999, Deschanel made her film debut in Mumford, Zooey Deschanel may be TV's New Girl, but she’s not new to hipsters, who have had the She & Him frontwoman’s poster over their beds for years (ironically, of course).
Labels: Zooey Deschanel, Zooey Claire Deschanel, american, actress, female, woman, musician, model, singer, songwriter, Anita, Almost Famous, Elf, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Failure to Launch, Yes Man, (500) Days of Summer, If All the Stars Were Pretty Babies, Volume One, Volume Two. Common name misspelling: descanel Zooey, Zooey deschannel

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