Cartoon Pictures of Katie Leung

Labels: ketie leung in cartoon pictures, asian girls in cartoon, pretty asian girl, asian celebrity, celebrities, so cute cartoon of ketie leung, Labels: Katie Leung, Katie Leung Liu, Liang Pèishi, Lèuhng Pui-si, Scottish, Scotland, actress, female, woman, Cho Chang, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Scottish, male, female, artist, film, Scotland's most stylish female, the hottest Scotswoman by The Scotsman, Teen Vogue , in the Evening Standard, Love Coming Home, Cat Among the pigeons, Hsui Tai, Deathly Hallows

Caricature Wedding - The Eiffel Tower

This is the best one of our wedding caricatures . so romantic touch with the eiffel tower as the background.

Wedding Caricature 3

This is a third version of the wedding caricature (hand drawn stlye) that we've made ,you can see the other here